*Does your shelter have dogs with behavior issues, that prevent them from being adoptable?
*Would your employees benefit from understanding dog behavior, specifically in a shelter environment?
*Would you like to help your reactive dogs be more comfortable, and happy?
*Does your shelter know that dog playgroups are the biggest solution to reducing their energy and anxiety. Does your shelter know how to safely, and properly, do play groups?
*Would you like help on introducing dogs to adopter’s dogs, and other dogs in your shelter?
From Kennels To Homes’ mission is to help shelter dogs like yours. Please contact us so we can help you.

Stephanie, West Michigan Shelter Manager
I appreciate everything you’ve done to help these animals, for your love and support of them. Even if it was only for a short time, you’ve changed their lives forever. By creating matches, they’ve become more adoptable and that’s incredible, so thank you.

Glynn County Animal Services, Brunswick, GA
October 2022
Shelter Feedback
- From Kennels To Homes was instrumental in showing us how to get scared dogs, and those with a bite history, out of their kennels with patience and compassion.
- York is a 1 year old dog that bit a child. Staff and volunteers were afraid to take him out, due to his ‘label’. It was wonderful to see Thommy remove him from his kennel, and to see what a sweet, and fun, boy he truly is!
- Butters was brought in as a stray with a chain wrapped tightly around her neck. Staff and volunteers were nervous to take her out, as they were unsure of her body language (she would growl and bark at them). Once Thommy got her out, and removed the chain, she covered him with gratitude kisses.
- We learned how to properly introduce dogs, by first walking them together, and letting them get acquainted. We were also taught how to understand dog behavior, and body language, in order to help them better.
- We were able to learn how to redirect a dog, if they were too focused on the other dog. Within 10 minutes, they were focused on us, and less concerned with the other dog.
- Learning about how to do play groups, safely and properly, was amazing! From Kennels To Homes explained that play groups are one the most beneficial things we can do to reduce the dog’s stress, anxiety, and energy levels. It also teaches them how to interact with other dogs. Our dogs were so happy to play together, it was amazing to see.
- The staff and volunteers also learned about mental exercises to use with the dogs, which will also reduce their anxiety, fear, and gain confidence.
- To see how happy the dogs were doing these tasks was heartwarming. They were having fun doing ‘dog things’ that worked their minds and bodies.
- The visit by From Kennels To Homes completely changed the culture, and energy, for Glynn County Animal Services. We now have more hope and optimism in our desire to help the dogs in our care. We have a much better understanding of their behavior, and we now are more confident that we can help them. As a result of our new confidence, we now realize that no dog is ever hopeless. They just need understanding and compassion.
Miami Dade Animal Services, Doral, FL
- From Kennels To Homes has made multiple trips to MDAS in order to assess at-risk dogs, and dogs placed on the euthanasia list for behavior issues. Our goal is to give them an honest assessment, remove them from the lists, and market them to get them out of the shelter.
- March, 2022; From Kennels To Homes assessed 6 at-risk dogs, who were scheduled to be euthanized due to behavior problems. After our assessments, and marketing, all 6 are now out of the shelter.
- July, 2022; We assessed 3 dogs who had limited time at the shelter, due to ‘aggressive’ labels. All 3 were assessed, and are now out of the shelter.
- October, 2022; There were 4 dogs scheduled for euthanasia due to behavior issues. As a result of our visit, all 4 our now out of the shelter.
- November, 2022; Many of the dogs that we visited had been unadoptable, and housed at the shelter for many months, and years. 12 of these dogs, most labeled ‘aggressive’, were assessed and marketed by From Kennels To Homes. To date, 10 are out of the shelter, and the others are being diligently marketed.
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