Come Play With Me

Come Play with Me: Volunteer to Help Shelter Dogs TODAY Hello, nice to meet you, says Leo. I realize, it feels hard to see me here after months-on-end. Just imagine, what it feels like, for me to be here. Shelter dogs. So many of us are aware to some degree of their...

Healing the Dog, Part Two

What does Heal the Dog Look Like in Reality? An interview with Canine Behaviorist & Trainer, Thommy Harley Our interview with Canine Behaviorist, Trainer & Founder of the nonprofit, From Kennels to Homes, continues: Methods of Training, Healing the Dog, Part...

Healing the Dog, Part One

What does Heal the Dog Look Like in Reality? An interview with Canine Behaviorist & Trainer, Thommy Harley Heal the dog. Canine behaviorist. Dog trainer. Have you ever wondered what all of this means? I’ve had rescue dogs all of my adult life. Likely, you have as...

It’s All About the Dog . . .

How From Kennels to Homes is Helping to Save Dogs in Need It was Zane’s final day to enjoy a sunset. His last twenty-four hours to take in all the scents and sounds of a municipal shelter: Barking, whining, growling. Panting, groaning. Ammonia cleansers, wet dog food....